Established by Zen Master
Thich Nhat Hanh and practicing in the Plum Village Tradition

We openly and warmly welcome the diversity of your experience to this place of refuge and healing – wherever you come from, however you look or identify, whomever you love.

Scholarships for Retreats

A limited number of scholarships are available through a grant we have received from the Hemera Foundation. To learn more and apply, visit the grant information page.

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In addition to the events below, we may also have 1-2 weeks seasonal retreats available for registration.

This Month

Calendar of Events

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M Mon

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W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

1 event,

Day of Mindfulness

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1 event,

Day of Mindfulness

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0 events,

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3 events,

Who is Thich Nhat Hanh? Course

Rains Retreat 2024-2025

Day of Mindfulness

3 events,

Practicing Mindfulness in Divisive Times with Kaira Jewel Lingo

3 events,

3 events,

Day of Mindfulness

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455: Introducing a New Podcast: Meet the Monastics Deer Park Dharmacast

Weekly Episodes Starting October 15   From Deer Park Monastery, it's Meet the Monastics, a new podcast featuring interviews with fully ordained monks and nuns, hosted by Brother Minh An and produced by Kenley Neufeld. As monastics, the most common question asked of us is, you guessed it, why did you become a monastic? This podcast is for anyone who's ever wanted to ask that question. Each week, we'll bring you conversations with fully ordained monks and nuns about their journey to monastic life and what inspires them now. We hope they inspire you to live a happier, kinder, and more meaningful life. And who knows, maybe some of you will even consider monastic life yourself. Listen wherever you get your podcasts (search for Meet the Monastics) or on the Deer Park Monastery YouTube channel.   Get a preview here:
  1. 455: Introducing a New Podcast: Meet the Monastics
  2. 454: How to Stop, Rest, and Heal
  3. 453: Understanding Our Impulses
  4. Moments of Suffering
  5. Anxiety and Coming Back to the Present Moment