Love Letter to Deer Park (July)

Love Letter to Deer Park

In harmony with Thay’s practice of writing love letters to share gratitude, love, and peace with those around him, we asked practitioners to write love letters to Deer Park describing what it means to them. Please enjoy what we expect to be a monthly feature. The Deer Park monastics are truly grateful for the energy and commitment of the lay sangha as well. 

Portable Deer Park

“Think of your breath as a portable Deer Park, something you can carry with you wherever you go” 

It was a Sunday morning. The bright, California sun shone through the glass mural in the Ocean of Peace meditation hall. Thay Phap Hai just blew my mind. He said it is possible for me to bring our beloved practice center with me even after I’ve left it to reenter the world out there. The one separated by the gates of Deer Park where, for the most part, I am consumed by the illusions of everyday life.  Thay Phap Hai, the skilled Dharma teacher he is, reminded me that I can turn any location I find myself into Deer Park monastery whenever I engage in mindful breathing, walking, and eating.

Yummy…mindful eating. I am not ashamed to admit that I look forward to the food served at Deer Park the most. If you look on Yelp for vegetarian restaurants in the area, Deer Park shows up as one of the locations with the highest ratings. I bought the recipe book to support the expansion of Clarity Hamlet. Yet, my husband and I have yet been able to recreate the delicious, nourishing food that is the hallmark of Deer Park cuisine.  My husband said the missing ingredient is the mushroom powder listed at the beginning of the book. I suspect there are other intangible elements at play, like the love and care put into the making of the food. Or how, as part of our practice, we are required to eat in silence for the first 20 minutes of lunch. Without the distraction of small talk and chatter, I find myself enjoying every morsel, texture, and burst of flavor.

I can attempt to describe the stunning beauty of the desert landscape that makes up the 400-acre property of Deer Park. How each boulder, each hill, garners awe the way a beautifully carved Buddha statue could. But nature descriptions are not my strong suit. Besides, what is Deer Park without its people? The fourfold sangha is the reason why it is near and dear to my heart.  

Thay predicted the Buddha of the future, Maitreya Buddha, is going to manifest in the form of a community. A sangha. Feeling the collective energy generated by our practice whenever I’m there, I understand why he would predict such a thing.

In the meantime, I carry our beloved practice center with me wherever I go. I check my purse. I have my phone, wallet, and keys. I take three mindful breaths. I’m ready to cease the day.

Sunny Lie Owens

Refreshing Source of the Heart

If you would like to submit your own Love Letter to Deer Park, please follow these instructions. Thank you kindly for taking the time to share your love and appreciation with us.

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