International Peace Day

In honor of International Peace Day Saturday, September 21, two U.S. monasteries and the Jerusalem Sangha will hold a simultaneous walking meditation for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and other places experiencing war and other forms of widespread violence.

In Jerusalem, the Sangha will gather for a silent peace walk around the city starting at 5 p.m. local time, which is 10 a.m. Eastern Time (for Blue Cliff) and 7 a.m. Pacific Time (for Deer Park).

Those unable to attend the walk in person may watch and participate remotely via a Zoom link offered by Blue Cliff Monastery. Blue Cliff’s walking meditation will follow a period of sitting meditation and chanting, which is taking place during its Vietnamese retreat. You can watch via this Zoom link.

“Our presence and practice are concrete ways we can continue to support our siblings in Israel and Palestine, in Ukraine, Sudan, and those in all war-torn lands worldwide,” monastic organizers of the US events said. 

This event will be taking place during Deer Park’s Vietnamese Retreat, so we will invite retreatants to send our energy and dedicate our prayers this Saturday to our siblings in war-torn lands worldwide.


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