Deepen Your Practice: Metta/Love Meditation
In his book Happiness, Thay writes about how we can practice loving kindness through Metta meditation: To love is, first of all, to accept ourselves as we actually are. That is why […]
Deepen Your Practice: Waking Up
In his book Happiness, Thay writes about how we can recite a gatha when we first arise every morning to set the tone for our day. This is what he says: […]
Deepen Your Practice: Awareness of Objects of Mind
In the last three months, we have given tips on establishing mindfulness of your body, feelings, and mind, practices in the Plum Village tradition designed to provide clarity and stability […]
Deepen Your Practice: Awareness of the Mind/Mental Formations
This month, we delve into the practice “Awareness of Mind” which is the third of four foundations of mindfulness laid out in the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta in the Pali Canon–the others […]
Deepen Your Practice: Mindfulness of Feelings
The 2nd Establishment of Mindfulness teaches us how to have mindfulness of feelings – pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral. Our feelings—pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral—can have a physical, physiological, or psychological root. […]
Deepen Your Practice: Four Ways to Establish Mindfulness
We are starting a monthly installment with tips on how to deepen your mindfulness practice. This month, we share four ways to establish mindfulness in your daily life by offering […]
Healing and Transformation at Wake Up 2023
Each year it brings great joy to host the Wake Up Retreat for young people ages 18-35 years old. This was a vision of Thay that began about 15-years ago […]
Let’s talk about Suicide – with Sister Dang Nghiem
This is the third in a series of videos with Sr. Dang Nghiem. Previous videos included Befriend your Strong Emotions and To the Root of Addictions. More and more people […]
Prayer for the New Year
Dec 31, 2022 Dear Thầy, Dear Mother Earth, Dear Ancestors, We know that you are present within us at this very moment, and that you always allow us to take […]