Go to the Other Shore: A Photo Journey
The theme for the Đại Giới Đàn, or Great Precepts Transmission Ceremony is Go to the Other Shore. This is only the second time this ceremony has taken place at […]
Novices Recite Precepts with the New Stepping Into Freedom
Thanks to Parallax Press, Sister Chan Duc and the Plum Village Editorial Team, the novices in Deer Park Monastery—many of whom are about to receive the bhikshu, bhikshuni and shramanerika […]
Monastic Retreat at Deer Park 2021
The monastic centers of Deer Park, Magnolia Grove, and Blue Cliff gather together for a monastic retreat. Enjoy these photos.
Journey through the West, Part 2
Here we continue the diary from Brothers Gem, Earth, and Freedom as they journey with joy and siblinghood across western United States. If you missed part one, you can go […]
Journey through the West
On our journey through the West, we have been travelling through five states so far. Here are some moments that will stay in our hearts. Phoenix 2-day Retreat Our first […]
Vesak 2021: Celebrating the Buddha’s Birthday
On Sunday May, 23rd the Brothers and Sisters of Deer Park Monastery were joined by friends from many local sanghas to celebrate the birth of the Buddha. It was a […]
Mushrooms Pushing Up