Classes Offered During Winter Retreat


Meditation Class

This is an open meditation class based on the sutra, The Four Foundations of Mindfulness, offered by Brother Phap Ho. In this class, we will learn how to practice the exercises in the sutra in our sitting and walking meditation practice, as well as in daily life. In each class, instruction will be offered, we will practice together, and there will be time to ask questions. There will be two sessions focusing on each of the first Three Foundations respectively (body, feelings, and mental formations). Each class will have different content; you are welcome to attend one, several, or all classes. This class can be beneficial if you already have a daily meditation practice and want to go deeper, as well as if you are new to the practice of mindfulness and meditation.

Discourse on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness

Listing of 51 Mental Formations, Plum Village.

Audio recording of the classes can be found on the Deer Park Dharma Cast, under Meditation Class 2016-2017.  A pdf summary of each class can be found here: 2016-12-04-body-1-summary, 2016-12-18-body-2-summary, 2017-01-08-feelings-1-summary, consciousness-and-sense-doors, 2017-01-22 Feelings 2 – summary2017-02-05 Mind 1 – summary, 2017-02-19 Mind 2 – summary.

There is no registration for this class, you just show up at the designated time and place. There is no cost to attend, but you may make a donation. There is a donation box in the meditation hall.

Classes will be held on the following dates at 3:15-4:15 PM in the Ocean of Peace Meditation Hall (Big Meditation Hall) at Deer Park Monastery.

Dates: December 4 & 18, 2016
Focus: Body in the body

Dates: January 8 & 22, 2017
Focus: Feelings in the feelings

Dates: February 5 & 19, 2017
Focus: Mind in the mind (mental formations)

Buddhism One

Who was the Buddha and what did he teach? This introductory class, offered by Brother Phap Vu, will cover an overview of the history and basic doctrine of Buddhism.

Please note: Both ‘Buddhism One’ classes cover the same material.

There is no registration for this class, you just show up at the designated time and place. There is no cost to attend, but you may make a donation. There is a donation box in the meditation hall.

Classes will be held on the following dates at 3:15-4:30 PM in the Ocean of Peace Meditation Hall (Big Meditation Hall) at Deer Park Monastery.

Dates: January 15 & February 12, 2017

39 responses to “Classes Offered During Winter Retreat”

    • The Meditation Class offered by Brother Phap Ho will be audio recorded and posted in a folder on The Deer Park Dharmacast website.

      • One of the Buddhism One classes (they will have the same content) offered by Brother Phap Vu will be recorded as well, probably in video.

  1. We are so happy to read about these classes and are putting them on our calendar as we speak! Thank you so much for this beautiful offering.
    Craig and Barbara

  2. Do I stay at the monastery during these meditation classes? If not , is there a local hotel you recommend for lodging? As I Live on the East Coast US.
    Also, is it possibly to meet Thich Nahat Hanh during these meditations classes?
    As I am very interested in meeting the the Buddha monk in person during my mediation practice.
    Thank you, Cheryl

    • Dear Cheryl,
      The meditation classes take place on the afternoon of our weekly Days of Mindfulness and therefore an overnight stay is not required. In some cases, you may wish to stay but our only arrival day is Fridays and stays are a minimum of one week. At this time, Thich Nhat Hanh is residing in Plum Village (France) and therefore not physically present at Deer Park.

      We hope this helps.

    • You are welcome to join activities that are open to the public, including the classes offered during winter retreat.

  3. Good evening , I will be attending tomorrow’s lecture on Buddhism One and was wondering if I can arrive early and walk around the monastery ?

    Thank you in advance for replying 🙂

  4. I understand it is difficult to locate Deerpark. Is there a way to receive directions other than relying on GPS?

  5. Hello, I would like to be there and be part of all these experiences for the 1st time ever I’m my life but I only could be there after 3:30pm because of my work. I’m new on this and I would like to take the time to learn from the beginning, like how to meditate. Can I go there tomorrow about that time and be able to have someone to help me with it?

  6. Hello. I would like to come for a week long silent retreat….
    This is something I must register for, correct?
    Thank you so much for being there!

  7. Is everything taught in English? … are the sessions on Mindful Sundays in English? I want to learn everything I can.

  8. Good afternoon,

    Is there any Meditation class in the week of June 30 – July 8, 2017? I would like to attend. Also is there an Event and Class schedule for 2017?

    Thank you

  9. Dear LuAnn,

    We do not have meditation classes scheduled during summer but you may join us for a Day of Mindfulness or register for a retreat! On the Deer Park website ( under Visit, click on Calendar or Register for a Retreat for more information.

    May your day be peaceful,

    Deer Park Monastery

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