Deer Park activities during the US Tour

Breathe Calligraphy

The weekend August 14 – 16 is the last general retreat stay we offer until our annual Winter Retreat in November.

We will host our last Day of Mindfulness for this season on Sunday, August 23. After that a large number of monastics from Deer Park will join the US Tour at Blue Cliff Monastery, NY, and we will not offer retreats or days of mindfulness.

From August 31 to November 8 the US Tour, The Miracle of Mindfulness will take place in New York, Mississippi and California. You can find dates, details and registration on our tour website, click here! We hope you can join us for some of the events.
Days of Mindfulness during US Tour:
November 1, 2015.
November 8, 2015.

In the slide show (below) you find many pictures from the 15 year history of Deer Park Monastery here in the hidden valley of Escondido. Many peoples generosity and caring action makes Deer Park possible. If you want to help in preparing Deer Park for the arrival of 120 monastics and the two retreats in October/November, you are welcome to join our community work days on Saturdays, from August 29 to October 3, starting at 9am. In the afternoon after a picnic lunch a DVD Dharma Talk will be shown. For more information please consult our calendar page.

We hope that you continue your practice at home and with friends. For more information about local mindfulness groups (local Sanghas) you can visit our Sangha directory online.

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