Help Repair Deer Park’s Road of Peace!

Potholes on Deer Park Lane

Tiếng Việt

Dear Friends of Deer Park,

We are reaching out to seek your support in repairing the roads within our monastery, which have significantly deteriorated over time. Since the establishment of the monastery, certain sections have only received temporary fixes by our community.

We have identified three critical areas that need urgent repair:

  1. The road from the gatehouse to the main parking lot at Sister’s Clarity Hamlet, heavily damaged by recent rains.
  2. The road leading to Brother’s Solidity Hamlet from the meditation hall, which requires attention following construction and heavy machine traffic.
  3. The main road from the gate to the gatehouse needs sealing with slurry asphalt to prevent further cracks and extend its life by 20-30 years.

Your generous contributions in the past have been invaluable, and we are deeply grateful for your ongoing support. Any donation you can make will greatly assist in these efforts.

Join us for a fundraising Hike-A-Thon on July 28th, 2024 to enjoy the beauty of our surroundings and help raise funds for this essential project.

With deep gratitude,

Brother Phap Dung and the Deer Park coyotes

Brother Pháp Dung answers questions about the Hike-a-thon