In Gratitude, an Eggroll Offering

Eggroll Making-1

Every Thanksgiving, the Deer Park community shows gratitude to the fire department, police department, lay friends, and local businesses who have supported them throughout the year by preparing thousands of vegan eggrolls and delivering them to their homes or places of business.

Since the Buddha’s time, monastics have practiced “alms rounds” going door to door to connect with local villagers and practice love, humility, and gratitude for their offerings. Instead of begging for food as done traditionally, Deer Park monastics offer handmade eggrolls to show their gratitude to the community.

According to Brother Phap Luu, “There are so many people who support us and the work that we do here by doing things like fixing our vehicles, helping us get construction permits, and volunteering in various ways. We rely on the community to operate and are so grateful.”

The entire sangha rolls the eggrolls on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, then fries and delivers them on Wednesday. “It’s the only time of the year we visit people’s homes or places of work,” said Phap Luu. “This year, we made over 4000 eggrolls!”

From the entire Deer Park sangha, we want to thank you for your continued love and support.

Enjoy this Plum Village song (Lyrics by Irene D’Auria)

In gratitude, you have watered seeds of love in me. In gratitude.
In gratitude, I will water seeds of love to someone, too.
I know you’re there for me, and I am so happy.

In gratitude, you have watered seeds of love in me. In gratitude.
In gratitude, I will water seeds of love to someone, too.
And when you suffer some, please call and I will come.

In gratitude, you have watered seeds of love in me. In gratitude.
In gratitude, I will water seeds of love to someone, too.

The monastics and lay friends put much love and care into rolling, frying, packaging, and delivering the egg rolls. Scroll through the images below.

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