We regret to announce that we are unable to live stream from the Deer Park Monastery YouTube Channel at this time. However, we are able to live stream from the Deer Park Monastery Facebook page! Join us today.
The monks at Deer Park would like to offer you the opportunity to sit and walk with them — virtually. Starting today, our plan is to regularly live stream the following activities on Saturdays and Sundays during our closure, which has been extended until the end of June 2020. Tune in to our Facebook page to participate:
Deer Park Monastery Facebook Page
5-6 PM Pacific Time – Sitting, chanting, and slow walking meditation
9-10 AM Pacific Time – Walking meditation on the Hidden Mountain (join 5 minutes early to sing practice songs prior to the walk)
44 responses to “Update to Deer Park Live Stream”
Please let me known when you’re open for visitors
Dear Laura, when the monastery reopens for visitors, we will post the information on our website. Our registration office is also creating a list of people to contact about reopening. Therefore, we will also send you an e-mail with more information when the time arrives.
Hi! Please let me know when you’re open for visitors! I would love to be added to the email list 🙂 Many blessings to you!!
Dear Ayesha, thank you. Our office will add your address to our e-mailing list for retreat and event announcements.
Please also let me know when you are open!
Dear Inger, we will add your name to our e-mailing list for announcements.
I would love to be on the email list for announcements about opening as well.
Best wishes for the retreat season.
Dear Amy, thank you for the message. We will add your name to our e-mailing list for Deer Park announcements.
I would love to set up visits for family when the Virus situation is over.
Dear Sandy, when the monastery reopens for visitors, we will post the information on our website. Our registration office is also creating a list of people to contact about reopening. Therefore, we will also send you an e-mail with more information when the time arrives.
For decades I have considered the monastic life. Lately, when I have been meditating I have had this answer come to me very strongly. At least to consider this path for myself. Please place me in touch with some who can help me explore this possibility.
Normally we would invite you to come and stay with us for at least two weeks to learn more about our practice and our community. But due to the pandemic, we are not open for visitors. Please stay tuned and then plan for a visit.
Please let me know when you’re open 😊
Dear Jennifer, our office has added your address to our e-mailing list for announcements. Therefore, you will be notified by e-mail when the monastery reopens for Days of Mindfulness and weekly seasonal retreats.
Please let me know when you are open for retreats
Dear Susan, our office has added your address to our e-mailing list for announcements. Therefore, you will be notified by e-mail when the monastery reopens for Days of Mindfulness and weekly seasonal retreats.
Please let me also know when you are open again.
Thank you very much 🙏
Dear Astrid, our office has added your address to our e-mailing list for announcements. Therefore, you will be notified by e-mail when the monastery reopens for Days of Mindfulness and weekly seasonal retreats.
Is there a way to access these live teachings without becoming part of Facebook ? I get great joy from the YouTube channel but I would love to participate in live events. I feel strongly about avoiding facebook at all costs so I understand this may prevent my participation. Thanks 🙏🏻
Can you please let me know when you reopen and also if you will have any online retreats? Many thanks – Nancy
Stay tuned to the website for any updates for reopening or online retreats.
Dear Nancy, our office has added your address to our e-mailing list for announcements. Therefore, you will be notified by e-mail when the monastery reopens and if the monastery hosts any online retreats.
I am not on Facebook, but would love to join. Will you eventually be streaming on YouTube?
We aren’t streaming anything at this time, but we will work to have it on YouTube moving forward.
I was apart of the walk on 8/30/20. It was an amazing experience thank you
Please let me know when you will be open again. Thank you so much.
Dear Monica, our office has added your address to our e-mailing list for announcements. Therefore, you will be notified by e-mail when the monastery reopens for Days of Mindfulness and weekly seasonal retreats.
Greetings Dear Ones, Please add me to your email list so that I may be notified when you are able to reopen to visitors. Many Thanks and Blessings to You All
Dear Eve, our office has added your address to our e-mailing list for announcements. Therefore, you will be notified by e-mail when the monastery reopens for Days of Mindfulness and weekly seasonal retreats.
Please let me know when you reopen. I do not have Facebook Thank you.
Dear Irene, our office will add your address to our e-mailing list for announcements. Therefore, you will be notified by e-mail when the monastery reopens for Days of Mindfulness and seasonal retreats.
Please add me to your email list. Thank you. 🙏🏻
Dear Karen, our office will add your address to our e-mailing list for retreat and event announcements.
Please add me to your E-mail list , for when you open again ..Thank you !
Dear Claudia, our office will add your address to our e-mailing list for retreat and event announcements.
Hi. Pls add me to your opening announcement. TP
Dear TP, our office will add your address to our e-mailing list for retreat and event announcements.
Thank you sister. We look forward to visiting the monastery soon. Warm Regards to all the sangha 🙏🏻❤
Hi, I would love to be notified when you can have visitors again!
Dear Leanna, thank you. Our office will add your address to our e-mailing list for retreat and event announcements.
Please add me to your email listing. I would love to come for a visit. I’ve never been there before…I found you on YELP. Let me know when you are open for visitors. Thank you.
Dear LI, our office will add your address to our e-mailing list for retreat and event announcements. That way, you will receive an e-mail when the monastery reopens.
I am anxiously awaiting your opening and would love to volunteer to help in anyway.