Incredible Gift
by Anna Gerner Deer Park has had a transformative impact on my life, leading to growth, healing, and change. Despite initially feeling hopeless about my situation, attending a Wake-Up Retreat […]
The Redwood Sutra
Thus have I heard one time when the Venerable Mṛgāvataṃsakā was residing in the redwoods by the banks of the Smith River, California. After eating a breakfast of grilled corn […]
An Earth Peace Treaty
This sheet offers a number of steps we can take to reduce the impact of our ecological footprint. Please look over this and, if you feel inspired, commit to a […]
Communing with Redwoods
by Sister Hướng Nghiêm In June, the Deer Park monastic sangha visited the Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park. Here I share some of my experiences walking through this ancient forest. […]
Calligraphy & Art Auction
From September 17 to October 2nd, Deer Park Monastery will be holding the first online auction of original calligraphies by Thay, as well as a wide assortment of items and experiences including works of art. […]
Wake Up Retreat Reflections
The Wake Up Retreat at Deer Park Monastery this year was special with the added presence of the waterfalls over rocky cliffs, bright spring flowers and a full moon meditation. […]
The Beloved Community: Thich Nhat Hanh’s Monastics To Tour U.S. Aug. 2 to Oct. 24
Following in the footsteps of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, his monastics will lead a teaching tour across the United States later this year, with retreats planned at each of […]
Monastics Coming to Orange County
We last held a Day of Mindfulness in Orange County in Fall 2017. This year we are happy to return as a monastic sangha and offer a day of practice […]