Finding Peace After Loss: How the Rains Retreat Changed My Life

A scholarship recipient to the Rains Retreat shares his story of transformation and gratitude:

As I sit down to compose this letter, I am overcome with a sense of deep, heart-felt gratitude and reflection. This marks a moment I’ve longed for—a chance to express my heartfelt appreciation to those who have guided me to a path of inner peace and equipped me with the tools to cultivate wisdom and compassion in my daily life: the monastics and laypeople of Deer
Park Monastery.

The past two years have been a tumultuous journey, marked by the dissolution of my marriage, the passing of a cherished father figure, and the loss of material possessions that once defined my existence. In the midst of this turmoil, I found myself seeking solace at the Total Health and
Wellness Center—a facility here in my hometown of Canton, Ohio, offering therapy, meditation, and holistic practices for mental well-being.

It was there that I crossed paths with Nina Kucyk, whose wisdom and experience of having participated in the last nine Rains Retreats at Deer Park Monastery left an indelible impression on me. Encouraged by her guidance, I resolved to embark on this transformative journey, despite my apprehensions about doing so, having never done a retreat of any kind before this.

Although financial constraints initially posed a great challenge that left me believing I would not be able to attend, the exceedingly helpful kindness of Brother Generosity and Brother Seal ensured my participation in the retreat by enabling me to receive financial assistance due to the gracious contributions of benefactors to the monastery—an act of kindness that touched my heart deeply.

Their willingness to accommodate my circumstances reinvigorated my dimmed belief in the inherent goodness of humanity and of life in general. It was so refreshing and uplifting to know that due to the loving-kindness of others, I would be given an opportunity I didn’t believe was possible. This opportunity would become perhaps the most life-changing experience I have ever had.

Arriving at Deer Park, I experienced a wave of uncertainty and nervous anticipation. However, what awaited me surpassed all expectations. The serene and beautiful atmosphere along with the gentle guidance of the monastic brothers enveloped me in a deeply felt sense of peace and

Whether working alongside Thay Phap Xu in the circle garden and realizing a spontaneous, inner quiet while under his guidance; being shown a deeper perspective of reality while sharing tea with Brother Mountain which left me profoundly contemplative. Or during enlightening discussions with Thay Phap Dung, in which I experienced the immense depth of engaging with a Zen Master, I learned the practice of the Plum Village Tradition.

It was under their sage counsel and guidance that I embarked on a journey of self-transformation, guided by the principles of mindfulness, loving speech, and deep listening. This period became a crucible of unexpected growth and personal revelation, marked by numerous moments of insight and epiphany.

Since returning home, I have endeavored to integrate these teachings into my daily life, and along with the power of having a daily routine of practice which the brothers had facilitated for us during the retreat, I have been able to draw strength and guidance from these experiences.

Despite facing financial hardships and the humbling experience of moving back into my mother’s home while getting my feet back underneath me, I recognize this as an opportunity for growth and self-reflection. As I embark on a new chapter of pursuing a career in therapy and dedicating myself to helping others, I do so with a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude.

My time at Deer Park has imbued me with a true sense of inner peace and resilience, allowing me to navigate life’s challenges with increasingly greater grace, understanding, and compassion.

In closing, I extend my deepest thanks to all monastics and lay friends who have supported me on this journey. My life will never be the same because of it. Also a sincere thank you to the benefactors of Deer Park. Their kindness and generosity have touched my heart and changed my life in ways words cannot fully express. May we continue to walk this path of mindfulness
and compassion together, spreading light and love wherever we go.

With heartfelt gratitude,
Aaron Bartow

Donate to Our Scholarship Fund

We invite you to contribute to our scholarship fund, which helps young people like Aaron attend the 90-day Rains Retreat. This retreat offers a unique opportunity for deepening mindfulness practice, fostering inner growth, and cultivating peace. By donating, you’re not just supporting an individual’s journey—you’re investing in the future of a mindful and compassionate world.

Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a significant impact. Let’s help more young people like Aaron access this transformative experience.

**Under “Designate to” select “Deer Park Scholarships” in the dropdown menu**

Apply for a Scholarship to Attend the Rains Retreat

We warmly invite you to join our Sangha of monastics and lay practitioners for the annual 90-Day Rains Retreat at Deer Park Monastery. 

You may be eligible for the Hemera Fellowship for partial cost coverage. Please note that Hemera Fellowships only apply to the first 30 days of long retreats, such as the Rains Retreat. Hemera Fellowships only apply to the Base Rate and cannot be combined with other scholarships or discounts.

We also offer reduced rates and special case rates for the Rains Retreat.

Please review all of the information on this page prior to reaching out to us.


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