Deer Park Road Repairs Hike-a-Thon
Tiếng Việt Sixteen months ago, we embarked on a memorable Peace Walk into the secluded mountains of Deer Park, a day that remains a cherished memory for many of us. […]
The Beloved Community: Thich Nhat Hanh’s Monastics To Tour U.S. Aug. 2 to Oct. 24
Following in the footsteps of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, his monastics will lead a teaching tour across the United States later this year, with retreats planned at each of […]
Monastics Coming to Orange County
We last held a Day of Mindfulness in Orange County in Fall 2017. This year we are happy to return as a monastic sangha and offer a day of practice […]
An Old Home in a New Land
Br. Minh Lung shares a journal from his recent 6-month trip to Plum Village Thailand.
Qi Palm
Learn the principles and movements of Qi Palm with Brother Phap Dung.
Mindfulness and the Science of Nutriment
Following our The Buddha The Scientist Retreat we held a special symposium. Here is the presentation by Dr. Lilian Cheung on Mindfulness and the Science of Nutriment.
Love From Inside Out
Brother Freedom about anger, a discriminating mind, and love for Mother Earth: “My aspiration is to grow from inside out. To love myself. To love the injustice I do to […]
Mother Earth is Alive in Me
A powerful guided meditation with Sr. Dang Nghiem about our inter-connected relation with Mother Earth.