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Day of Mindfulness

We welcome you to join us for this day of practice. We will participate in walking meditation, listen to a Dharma talk by Venerable Phước Tịnh (in Vietnamese with English […]


Day of Mindfulness

We welcome you to join us for this day of practice. We will participate in walking meditation, listen to a Dharma talk by Brother Pháp Lưu (in English) and have […]

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Day of Mindfulness

We welcome you to join us for this day of practice. We will participate in walking meditation, listen to a Dharma talk by Sister Tuyết Nghiêm (in Vietnamese with English […]

Day of Mindfulness

We welcome you to join us for this day of practice. We will participate in walking meditation, listen to a Dharma talk by Sister Thần Nghiêm (in English) and have […]