When planning to visit Deer Park, many friends ask about carpool or rideshare options. Our community is very supportive of finding alternative means of transportation.
Please use the comment system below on this page (click Reply) to OFFER or to REQUEST a ride by stating the date, location, and general needs as a comment. As a good practice, don’t include your contact information until you are ready to make an arrangement with someone else. Remember this is a public website and anything you post is visible to anyone.
Once a month, we delete outdated messages.
2 responses to “Rideshare to Deer Park”
Hi everyone. My name is Kate. I will attend the retreat from September 18th – September 22th. I am afraid of driving at high altitudes like mountains. I will be traveling from Riverside to Deer Park Monastery. Is there anyone interested in carpool or share ride? Thank you so much!
Hi I am Le. I am from Tampa Florida. I will attend the retreat from September 18th – September 22nd. This is my first time attending, and I am looking forward to connecting anyone before the retreat begins. I also wish to connect with anyone who will be arriving at the airport (SAN) on 9/18 around the same time to share a ride or carpool. My contact: levantuyetanh02@gmail.com.