Press Release: Buddhist Monks & Nuns to Host Peace Walk in Los Angeles


Buddhist Monks & Nuns to Host Peace Walk in Los Angeles

Escondido, CA — June 17, 2024 — The monks and nuns of Deer Park Monastery will lead a Peace Walk Sunday, June 23, to acknowledge the suffering in escalating violence and loss of life in over 100 wars and armed conflicts worldwide, including in Palestine, Israel, Sudan, Ukraine, and Myanmar. 

Dedicated to promoting peace, mindfulness, and community connection, the Peace Walk will begin at 10:30 AM at Grand Park in downtown Los Angeles. It is free and open to the public. This event coincides with other peace walks organized by practitioners in the Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism tradition on the same day in London and Washington DC.

Participants of all ages and backgrounds are invited to join this mindful walking event, inspired by and continuing the traditions of renowned Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. The Peace Walk aims to cultivate inner peace and compassion for ourselves and for the victims as well as the perpetrators of war, discrimination, hatred, and violence, as well as to show solidarity with all those speaking out against the killing and destruction.

“There’s no path to peace, the path is peace. If we want peace, we have to be peace. Peace is a practice and not a hope” said Thich Nhat Hanh in his book, The Art of Living: Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now. He himself came to the US in 1966 to call for the end of the bombing and killing, and was later exiled for speaking out. 

The event will begin with a brief introduction and guided sitting meditation led by the monastics of Deer Park Monastery. This will be followed by a silent walk around Grand Park and City Hall. As walkers move in silence, we are encouraged to focus on our breath and the present moment, acknowledging our own pain and suffering, and creating a powerful collective experience of peace, compassion and mindfulness.

Following the walk, the monastics will offer a chant to send collective energy of compassion out to all the zones of armed conflict worldwide. Participants are welcome to stay for lunch, where they can reflect on their experience and connect with others. 

Participants are encouraged to bring a mat or blanket for sitting on the grass, sun protection, a packed vegan/vegetarian lunch, and water.

To reflect the vigil and contemplative nature of this event, participants are discouraged from bringing any banners, flags, or placards. The Peace Walk is part of Deer Park Monastery’s ongoing commitment to promoting peace and mindfulness in everyday life. By participating in this event, individuals will not only experience the benefits of mindful walking but also contribute to a broader movement towards global peace and understanding.

For more information about the Peace Walk or to RSVP, please visit Deer Park Monastery’s website or contact the monastery at (760) 291-1003.

Media Contact:
Deer Park Monastery
Phone: (760) 291-1003
Website: Deer Park Monastery

About Deer Park Monastery

Established in 2000, Deer Park Monastery, is a mindfulness practice center and monastic training center founded by the Vietnamese Buddhist monk, author, and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh. It offers various programs and retreats throughout the year, all aimed at fostering a mindful and compassionate way of living. Located in the hills of Escondido, California, themonastery provides a serene environment for individuals to practice mindfulness, meditation, and to learn the art of mindful living. Through its retreats, workshops, and community events, Deer Park Monastery continues to inspire and nurture the seeds of peace, joy, and understanding in all who visit.

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