A Simple Life: A response to the climate crisis

As a monk I take care of my emotions around the climate crisis so I can help other people to take care of their emotions. And that is what I try to do, every day. And I can also learn how to live more simply as a monk … Learning how to build communities, resilient communities, that live simply on the earth, in beauty and freedom.


4 responses to “A Simple Life: A response to the climate crisis”

  1. My exposure to these teachings has left me with a conviction that Community is necessary for some people to live freely and independently and safely. Many vulnerable people could use the strength and dignity of being surrounded by people like themselves. In WIS Sangha online it seems that almost everyone is reaching out through these teachings and becoming aware of their own need to belong to Something Beautiful beyond the individual. In our culture we have broken many bonds because the norm is no longer working. These teachings are guidance and safe passage for many.

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