Dharma Talks by Deer Park Monastery’s Dharma Teachers

Sangha in the Meditation Hall

Deer Park Monastery Dharma Talks Player
Please click on a link near a teacher to play his or her dharma talk here. All dharma talks were recorded at Deer Park Monastery unless noted otherwise.

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3 responses to “Dharma Talks by Deer Park Monastery’s Dharma Teachers”

  1. Where might one find ” Eight Realizations” Part 2 by Brother Phap Hai (sorry, this tablet does not have a kniwn capability to add proper signs/designations to his Vietnamese name)?

    • Thank you for your question. Part 2 was not recorded for some reasons. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  2. Dear park dwellers :). There is only one person/video available on your Dharma Talks by Deer Park Monastery’s Dharma Teachers page….