Nunnery Project Funding Complete!

Dear Friends,

With full hearts, we share some happy news with you. When we moved into our new home in December there were several loans outstanding. Now, thanks to your generous donations those loans have been repaid. The project is truly complete, and no more is needed.

Our hearts are filled with deep gratitude for your love and support during the past years. And we promise that, together, we will continue to build the spirit of Clarity Hamlet and fill it with all our love, joyful sharing and sisterhood so that it will be vibrant with life and laughter, solid and welcoming…a place of refuge for all.


Please come and visit us, and share our practice and the beautiful earth, which is home to all of us. We are here for you.

With love and gratitude,

The Sisters of Clarity Hamlet, Deer Park Monastery

Escondido, California

8 responses to “Nunnery Project Funding Complete!”

  1. I am happy when you are happy, my dear sisters. Please be there for me to arrive to practice Thây’s teaching.

  2. I’m very happy with this news. We love Deer Park monastery. All monks, nuns, brothers and sisters there are wonderful, and me and my children have learned much from them every time we have visited Deer Park. We are thankful and grateful for all you do and the teachings of our great master Thich Nhat Hanh.

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