Introduction to Noble Silence

A period of deep silence is observed starting from the end of the evening activity until after breakfast the next morning. This is very healing. We allow the silence and the calmness to penetrate our flesh and bones. We allow the energy of the sangha and its mindfulness to penetrate our body and mind. We go back to our tents or dormitories slowly, aware of every step. We breathe deeply and enjoy the stillness and the freshness. Let us not talk to the person walking by our side; she or he needs our support too. If we wish, we can stay outside, alone with the trees and the stars for a short while. We then go inside to use the bathroom, change, and go to bed right away.

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3 responses to “Introduction to Noble Silence”

  1. In my life, a sangha will come brothers and sisters. And, i have your wonderful presence. I am grateful.✌

  2. Thank you, this is very helpful. I find it difficult to know how to navigate etiquette since I’m unfamiliar with it. Any directions would be great, the more details the easier for me.

  3. Since I don t have a Shanga and would like to have one, I incorporate some of the practices in my own life, to create wholesome habits. Noble silence is one I would cherish. Thank you.

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