Love From Inside Out

Brother Freedom about anger, a discriminating mind, and love for Mother Earth: “My aspiration is to grow from inside out. To love myself. To love the injustice I do to myself. To look for the reasons why I am doing this. To show myself understanding. To embrace myself.” Healing Mother Earth, he says, starts with healing ourselves and to act from that place. “Walk the talk. Walk the peace we want to have on Earth. That is my daily practice.”

This video is part of a series with responses to the climate crisis, shared by monastics at Deer Park Monastery, California.

Recorded at Deer Park monastery in December 2021. All rights reserved © 2022.

One response to “Love From Inside Out”

  1. Always a good opportunity to listen to what Brother Freedom has to say . Sincerity and down to earth talks come from the heart .

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