Help Build the Monks Residence

two men working with a skill saw

Dear friends,

We are very excited about the upcoming project to build a new monk’s residence here at Deer Park. We hope to break ground on October 23rd.

This project is a true Sangha undertaking—depending from start to finish on community support, from donations to the actual construction itself.

We need your help!

We are looking for volunteers who are willing to donate their time and energy to help with the construction. Would you like to be part of this amazing mission?

Specifically we have a high-priority need for following:

People with professional framing experience

People with professional materials procurement experience

We are looking for people to come and stay at the monastery for 6 weeks or more who are committed to working joyfully together, practicing, and building community. 

Sangha connection will be the main fruit of the project—a new residence will be the byproduct.

In general we are looking for a wide variety of skills and experience.

Sign up on this form to express interest in joining the project.

If you can share this info with your contacts and your Sangha, this would be a great help to us! 

Thank you!

The Monk’s Residence Construction Community 🙂

3 responses to “Help Build the Monks Residence”

  1. Hello!

    Would it be possible to volunteer for a temporary stay such as for the day or weekend? Instead of the full 6-week stay?

    Thank you in advance for your help, and I look forward to being a part of this great Sangha building opportunity!


    • Hi Tina, We will most likely have work days to support the project! These will be announced as time draws closer and also during the project which will go on for many months. Stay tuned!

  2. Please put me on your email list as well. I am in the construction industry and would donate a few days as needed.

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