Hike with Us on December 4th

With more young people inspired to ordain and continue our monastic tradition, the monks’ residence has reached capacity, and we need your help to build a new building in 2023. This is a happy moment: with a flourishing resident monastic community, Deer Park can continue to be a refuge for thousands of practitioners who come every year for retreats and Days of Mindfulness.

In this spirit of community building, on December 4 we will enjoy mindfully hiking on our monastery’s beautiful land to support the monks’ new residence. We are very fortunate to have many beautiful hiking trails in and around the monastery, and are delighted to walk the hidden mountain as a community and explore the wilderness surrounding Deer Park.

We will have multiple hiking groups, adapted to different levels of ability and energy. If hiking is not accessible to you, we encourage you to come for the day and enjoy tea and music. Vegetarian lunch will be provided for all.

And if you want to hike at home with your family and friends, please register so we know you are participating. We’ll be collecting photos and videos from you.

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