Deepen Your Practice: The Breathing Room
In his book Happiness, Thay writes about how we can create a room or corner in our home where we can sit, breathe, and meditate. Read the passage below and try […]
Deepen Your Practice: Hugging Meditation
In his book Happiness, Thay writes about how we can use a simple, three-breath hug to cultivate closeness with our loved ones. Read his advice and try it for yourself. When […]
Help Repair Deer Park’s Road of Peace!
Tiếng Việt Dear Friends of Deer Park, We are reaching out to seek your support in repairing the roads within our monastery, which have significantly deteriorated over time. Since the […]
Deepen Your Practice: Awareness of the Mind/Mental Formations
This month, we delve into the practice “Awareness of Mind” which is the third of four foundations of mindfulness laid out in the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta in the Pali Canon–the others […]
Deepen Your Practice: Four Ways to Establish Mindfulness
We are starting a monthly installment with tips on how to deepen your mindfulness practice. This month, we share four ways to establish mindfulness in your daily life by offering […]
Befriend My Feelings
By Jahnavi Newsom I notice when I’m tired after we’ve hosted a retreat, and we are having lazy days, my mind is more doubtful. While during the retreat I may […]
Let’s talk about Suicide – with Sister Dang Nghiem
This is the third in a series of videos with Sr. Dang Nghiem. Previous videos included Befriend your Strong Emotions and To the Root of Addictions. More and more people […]
Residing in the Human Realm
I have the opportunity to talk about my experience at Deer Park, which I think is best reflected through the eyes of my present. I am here in Mississippi, 1.5 […]
Prayer for the New Year
Dec 31, 2022 Dear Thầy, Dear Mother Earth, Dear Ancestors, We know that you are present within us at this very moment, and that you always allow us to take […]
Qigong Meditation with Br. Insight
One of our resident monastics is Thich Man Tue (Brother Insight), a beloved elder who you can usually see smiling and laughing. His energy of compassion and joy can be […]